Home Labor Distribution

The Home Labor Distribution tab opens a screen with information on an employee's home labor distribution information, such as department or job class.


This tab is only visible on the General screen when adding a new record or when searching for an employee record. After a new record is saved, the information on this screen is stored in the employee record on Labor Distributions > Primary Home.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Approved Hours



Daily Hours

Daily Overtime Hours


Effective Date

Employee Category Code

Employee Class Code

Expiration Date

Full Time Equivalent

Grade Code

Grant Code

Job Class Code

Lunch Length

Organization Unit

Pay Group Code

Pay Rate

Payroll Group Code

Position Code

Project Code

Relief Position


Seniority Date

Seniority Hours

Shift Code

Skill Code

Status Code

Union Code

Weekly Overtime Hours

The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

General Tab

Indicators Tab

Parameters Tab

Classification Tab

Login Tab

Audits Tab

Approved Hours

The number of hours per pay period that the employee is authorized to work in this assignment.


Indicates whether this labor distribution assignment is Primary Home, Alternate Home, or Alternate. This value is automatically assigned, based on the action button chosen when adding a new record.


An alphanumeric value used to identify the employee labor distribution assignment, such as Home.

Daily Hours

The number of hours per day this employee is authorized to work. This value is used when validating employee Daily Approved Hours.

Daily Overtime Hours

The number of hours per day an employee can work before incurring overtime pay, if applicable. If employees are not paid overtime based on daily hours, this field should be left blank or set to zero.


When there is no value provided for this field from the employee download, this value is automatically set to zero. A zero in this field means that the employee overtime is not calculated on daily hours.


The label describing the labor distribution code.

Effective Date

The date this labor distribution assignment becomes effective.

Employee Category Code

Indicates the employee payroll category, such as salaried or hourly.

Employee Class Code

The employment classification of the employee, such as full time or part time.

Expiration Date

The date this assignment is no longer effective, if applicable. In the Primary Home Labor Distribution, this field is read only. When a new Primary Home Labor Distribution assignment is entered, the system automatically fills in the Expiration Date field with the day before the Effective Date of the new assignment.

Full Time Equivalent

The value comparing the employee's approved hours to the number of hours considered full time.


For example, if an employee is approved for 64 hours per pay period, and full time is considered 80 hours, the employee's full time equivalent (FTE) is 64/80 or .8.

Grade Code

The job pay grade of this employee, if applicable.

Grant Code

The identification code of an applicable grant.

Job Class Code

The employee work assignment, such as Registered Nurse, Dietary Specialist, or Maintenance Worker. This field is automatically filled in if a Position Code is entered and the record is saved.

Lunch Length

The amount of time taken for a lunch break, expressed in whole and/or decimal hours. For example, a 30 minute lunch break would be entered as .5 hours.

Organization Unit

The organization structure level this employee is assigned to. The structure level options available are determined by your corporate configuration.

Pay Group Code

The payroll processing group the employee is assigned to. The pay group assignment determines the pay period date ranges and the pay frequency for the employee.

Pay Rate

The rate of pay the employee earns when working this labor distribution assignment.

Payroll Group Code

The payroll group assignment of this employee, if applicable.

Position Code

The position code that indicates the organization and job class assignment for the employee.


In order for an employee to have Position Permissions to available schedules, the Position Code field must be set up. It is not enough to have a job class/organization unit match to the position; the field itself must have a value.

Project Code

The identification code of an applicable project.

Relief Position

Indicates whether this is a relief position (Yes/No). Relief position employees do not display on the related schedule screen unless they are added through the Add Relief Employee wizard. This setting is not applicable for the Primary Home labor distribution record.


Once an employee is given a schedule assignment in the related labor distribution, his/her name remains on the schedule screen.


This setting can also be used to locate employees with relief positions when running the schedule assistant.


The seniority labor distribution assigned to this employee, if applicable.

Seniority Date

The date used to track the employee seniority at the corporation, job, or position.


If no date is entered in this field, the system uses the employee Hire Date to determine seniority.

Seniority Hours

The accumulated number of hours of seniority for this employee, if applicable. This value is only filled in if the organization is tracking seniority hours.

Shift Code

The default work shift the employee is assigned to, such as 1, 2, or 3. This value is used when sorting reports and the schedule screen by the employee's shift.

Skill Code

The competency level achieved by the employee for this position. If a skill level is attached to a position, the employee must meet or exceed the required skill level value to be qualified for the schedule assignment.

Status Code

The status code assignment of the employee, if applicable.

Union Code

The union assignment of this employee, if applicable.

Weekly Overtime Hours

The number of hours an employee can work per pay period or per week before incurring overtime pay, if applicable.


Assignment parameter settings determine if this value is for a pay period or for a week.