
The Phones button opens a screen to add, edit, or view employee telephone numbers. Employee phone numbers are visible on various screens, such as the Schedule screen and the Current Staffing Overview.

Click the card arrow to open and view the details.

The following icons are displayed to show the input Source of the record:


This record was manually added to the system or was manually edited after it was added by another source.


This record was added as a result of a download from a third party system.


This record was added as a result of replication from the Navigator system.


This record was added as result of a system process.


Action Buttons

The following Action buttons are available in the left pane:


Click on the Add button to open a screen to configure a new record.

Delete Selected

The Delete button is used to remove one or more records from a screen.

The following topics are available in this chapter

Area Code



Country Access Code

Effective Date

Expiration Date




SMS (Short Message Service) Enabled

Area Code

The three-digit prefix indicating the telephone area code.


The time of day that the employee can be reached at this number, such as anytime, evening, weekdays, or nights.


Indicates the type of phone number, such as home, fax, or office.

Country Access Code

The numeric prefix code that must be entered when dialing a telephone number in another country.

Effective Date

If an Add or Update is made to this page, this is the date the values in this record are scheduled to take effect. (Today's date is defaulted.)

Expiration Date

The date when this is no longer a valid number for the employee, if applicable.


The employee extension number at the current phone number, if applicable.


The seven-digit telephone number to contact the employee.


Indicates the order these phone numbers should be called to try to reach the employee. The lower the number in this field, the higher the priority.


One hierarchy of numbers is used to sort all phone numbers, regardless of the classification. There is not a separate hierarchy sort within each classification.

SMS (Short Message Service) Enabled

Indicates whether or not this number is set up for SMS (Short Message Service). (Yes/No)

This field also determines if the phone number in the Workforce app is available via text message.