Calc Me Now

Select the Calc Me Now action button to immediately send this employee record through payroll calculations. When processing has been completed, a message appears indicating the employee was successfully calculated.

The following indicator settings determine whether or not the Schedule Calculation and/or Projected Payment passes should be included in the Calc Me Now process:

Organization Unit Indicator Calculations Standard 3 (Schedule Calculation processing determination)

Organization Unit Indicator Calculations Standard 3 determines if and when schedule calculation is processed for this organization unit level.

Valid Indicator Options:


Schedule calculation is processed when the calculation request is sent from any server.


Schedule calculation processing is not performed.


Schedule calculation processing is determined by a parent organization unit. (Check higher organization unit levels to find an A, N or Y setting).


Schedule calculation is processed only when the calculation request is sent from a server other than the Calc Me Now server.


This indicator can be found in Configuration > Organization Unit > Organization Unit > Indicators > Calculations Process.

Organization Unit Indicator Calculations Standard 4 (Projected Payment processing determination)

Organization Unit Indicator Calculations Standard 4 determines if and when projected payments are processed for this organization unit.

Valid Indicator Options:


Projected payment is processed when the calculation request is sent from any server.


Projected payment processing is not performed.


Projected payment processing is determined by a parent organization unit. (Check higher organization unit levels to find an A, N or Y setting).


Projected payment is processed only when the calculation request is sent from a server other than the Calc Me Now server.


This indicator can be found in Configuration > Organization Unit > Organization Unit > Indicators > Calculations Process.


If the Calc Me Now process is not run (or when the above indicators are set to Y), when an edit is made to an employee record, it puts the record in a "delay queue", where it will be processed five minutes after the last edit made to the record. That calculation process will calculate all passes.