Add Unavailability

The Add Unavailability action opens a screen to submit unavailability or recurring unavailability for the employee. Unavailability indicates that the employee is not available to be scheduled.

There are two different Classifications of unavailability:

The Effective Date/Range Begin Date of a submitted unavailability request must fall within a specified date range. This date range is determined by parameters indicating the minimum and maximum number of days in the future that the requested dates must fall within.

Two system settings control the future range of days:


If System Standard 3 is set to 14 and System Standard 4 is set to 365, then your Effective Date and Expiration Date must fall within that span of days (between 14 and 365 days from today). Entering a date outside of this range of days will result in an error message.

Request Off Replacement Feature

Once an unavailability request has been submitted, the employee can monitor the status of the request through the My Unavailability Requests screen on the Home page or on the Requests screen in the employee TCS screen.

The following fields are available when adding or viewing a record:

Activity Code


Effective Date

End Time

Expiration Date

Pay Code

Range Begin Date/Effective Date

Range Begin Time

Range End Date

Range End Time


Start Time

Sunday - Saturday

The following related topics are available:

Adding Employee Unavailability

Adding Employee Recurring Unavailability

Canceling an Unavailability Request

Request Off Replacement Feature

Activity Code

The non-productive activity code the employee should receive on the scheduled days during the unavailability request date range. If this field is filled in, the Pay Code field is disabled.

Activity codes available in the Field Look Up values are assigned to the employee's home labor distribution and are set to be non-productive (Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 1 is set to N.)

Activity Code Indicator Schedule Standard 1 determines whether an activity code is productive or non-productive.

Valid Indicator Options:


This indicator is found in Configuration > Scheduling > Activity Codes > Indicators Schedule Process.


This field is only visible if the Request Off Replacement Feature is enabled.


Indicates the type of unavailability request submitted by the employee (Unavailability or Recurring Unavailability).

Effective Date

The date that the recurring unavailability request is to begin.


This date must fall within the allowable date range for submitting unavailability requests.

End Time

The ending time of the time frame the employee is unavailable on the days selected for unavailability, expressed in 24-hour format.

Expiration Date

The date that the recurring unavailability request is to expire.

Pay Code

The non-productive pay code the employee should receive on the scheduled days during the unavailability request date range. If this field is filled in, the Activity Code field is disabled.


This field is only visible if the Request Off Replacement Feature is enabled.

Range Begin Date/Effective Date

The date the unavailability request date range is to begin.


This date must fall within the allowable date range for submitting unavailability requests.

Range Begin Time

The time of day on the Range Begin Date that the unavailability request is to begin, expressed in 24-hour format.

Range End Date

The day the unavailability request range is to end.

Range End Time

The time of day (expressed in 24-hour format) on the Range End Date that the unavailability is to end.


The explanation for the unavailability request (for example, vacation, continuing education).

Start Time

The beginning of the time frame the employee is unavailable on the days selected for unavailability, expressed in 24-hour format.

Sunday - Saturday

Indicates which days of the week the employee is unavailable. For each day of the week, indicate with a Yes/No response whether the unavailability request pertains to this day. These fields are only enabled for Recurring Unavailability.